Inspirational and influential
This school year I work with the best group of teachers and administration that any teacher would hope for. They work relentlessly and never give up. A lot of our students are broken and do not want to learn but my colleagues continue to reach out to them and work hard to educate them. A student can be driving them nuts and yet they refuse to give up on them. They keep trying to figure out ways to help the student. These teachers are taking extreme measures to ensure that the student can learn. Some give teddy bears to students to let them vent and others come up with unbelievable intervention plans. The teachers are not afraid to ask for help and the administration is willing to do whatever it takes to help us out.
We also have lots of fun together as a group! We go to happy hours.(That's including the administration!) We dance thriller on our Professional Development day. We go bowling and come up with tools for turn around schools. We work as a team and are very united when we go through rough patches.
I am proud to say that I work in a turn around school! We will close the achievement gap at our school in five years! I believe in us!
You would be lucky to have one of these teachers teach your child!
We also have lots of fun together as a group! We go to happy hours.(That's including the administration!) We dance thriller on our Professional Development day. We go bowling and come up with tools for turn around schools. We work as a team and are very united when we go through rough patches.
I am proud to say that I work in a turn around school! We will close the achievement gap at our school in five years! I believe in us!
I <3 you! You are one of the most awesome, inspirational, and influential teachers I know and I am so proud to call you a bestie. I agree. I have NEVER in my life worked with such a smart, dedicated group of people. I know it's SO SO HARD to do this work, but I am endlessly inspired by our team's commitment to doing it anyway!