Happy Tuesday

I cannot believe third quarter has begun.
This school year is going super fast.
Part of me loves it and the other hates it because I love this group of kids.
They are super smart and hardworking.
Last month of teaching was intense.
Quarter 2 was ending= INTERIM TESTING!
I do love the results but man testing students can be draining for both the children and I!
I had APTT- Academic Parent Teacher Team Meetings.
I love them but they take a lot of work and effort.
This is something our school does that takes place in part of Parent teacher conferences.
All parents come to a meeting and they get to see how their child is doing compared to other students.
They also get to learn activities that will help their students achieve their goals.
I just needed 70% of my parents to attend and then I could have the day off this past Monday.
I DID IT! I got to stay at home yesterday!
Hence the reason I baked so much this weekend!
Last week was stressful too.
I had to run two PD's.
One for being a teacher lead ( all about data tracking) and one for Math.
It's great running these things but it's also more work on top of the work I already do at the school.
Today was a pretty solid day. The students were on task and focus.
Two kids were absent which helped the day go smoother.
I also got impacted today. Luckily I had a feeling I would be impacted so my lesson was ready!
Not that my lessons are not ready!
I am 95% always ready but I double checked everything for math during my lunch break.
If you didn't know this already... I LOVE TEACHING MATH!
Math is my thing. Not only do I love it... My students love it!
If I could teach math all day every day... I would be one happy person!
Maybe one day I will be a math specialist... or I will get the pleasure of teaching upper grade math. ( If it's departmental)
Overall my Tuesday was a Happy Tuesday!
“The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.”
William A. Ward
William A. Ward
it is interesting to read a teacher perspective! I know you know the parents get the kids version of things..hahaha