20 Weeks and Gender Reveal Party
This past week has been an amazing week. We found out the sex of the baby and had our gender reveal party. My friend from New Orleans also came to visit for the weekend! Mallory came with a bag full of chocolate! A great treat for me! The gender reveal party was a success. We had family and close friends come over so we could reveal the baby's gender and name. Now everyone can finally know! It was a hard 3 days of not telling anyone. Want to know?!?! You're going to have to continue reading!!! I made some sugar cookies for people to take home and some cupcakes with the filling in the color of the babies gender. Here's some picture from the gender reveal...
The cookies I made
Everyone got to vote as they came...
Here's the final votes!
This is when we handed out the cupcakes to everyone...
Everyone finding out...
It's a boy!
He's name is Hector Desmond Antunez.
Here's some more pictures!
Megan holding Eleanor!
Opening gifts
Practicing holding a baby!
He looks ready to be a daddy! We can't wait!

How far along? 20 Weeks! Half way there!
Maternity clothes? I need more pants or larger pants!
Stretch Marks? No but I am afraid to get them because I getting so big!
Sleep: I sleep well except for the part of peeing all the time! AHH!
Best moment this week: Finding out we were having a baby boy and telling our friends and family!
Miss anything? Deli meat! Everyone seem to enjoy it on Saturday!
Movement: I've been feeling lots of movement these past 3 days. He's going to be a soccer player!
Food cravings: Nothing in particular!
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope THANK GOD!
Gender : Baby Boy!!!!!!
Labor signs: No way!
Symptoms: Nothing new! My back is feeling achy.
Belly button in or out? In... I am afraid it will be out in the coming month.
Looking forward to: Buying baby furniture and buying baby clothes!
wow..what a fun party! good luck with everything!! it's great!!