As a parent I'm constantly figuring out ways to teach my kids inclusion. All week I have been figuring out ways to teach my kids more about our history and how to make it kid friendly for them to understand. Its hard but I think doing the work will make our children's future brighter. I will try my best to continue to educate myself and educate my kids to the best of my abilities. It's very important to me.

Today is Juneteenth and I felt that it was important to educate my kids about this holiday. This meant making sure I also educated myself in learning all about it. Here is a link to a quick video explaining Juneteenth in a kid friendly way. https://youtu.be/gWBlikh8A2E This is a great PBS video.
We then decided to paint some rocks and show ways to celebrate everyone. Desmond immediately made a rainbow and wrote the word hope. It brought tears to my eyes. We discussed BLM, pride month, and of course Juneteenth. We had some really great conversations while we painted.

Once we finished painting we read some books. I love the author Ezra Jack Keats and my kids have listened to me read his books many times. We read A Letter To Amy and Peter's Chair. We also read It's Okay to Be Different by Todd Parr and Around The World We Go! by Margaret Wise Brown. We then had our normal dance party while listening to famous black singers like Michael Jackson. For those who have followed us on Instagram, you know my kids obsession with his music. I told them that on June 19th, 1865 when slaves in Texas found out they were free they cheered, danced, and sung. Which is why we were having a dance party today.
We finished our day with watching Into The Spider-verse . It's a must-see if you haven't seen it! The animation is amazing and it has a black hispanic main character. My kids love that he speaks Spanish.
I do want to say that I know there is a lot more for me to do. A lot more for me to teach my kids. I will continue to educate myself and find best practices. I have made a list of books that I want to add to my own personal children's library. Books that show diversity, history, and inclusion. If you have any more suggestions please let me know. I am always looking for more books!
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