My Husband can put together a computer... Can yours?
My husband is soooooo smart! He bought computer parts this past week and put his computer together! He needed a new and fast computer to animate at home. Our last computer was to slow! Gotta love a handy man!
Sweet! That takes me back to when me and Hector were taking Mr. Cooper's class back at King. I spent a lotta time melting things, but occasionally we actually put some computers together and made them work. He went on to help Mrs. Lampo with computer stuff all over King, and I just went home and continued melting stuff. Mrs. Lampo would be proud ;)
Sweet! That takes me back to when me and Hector were taking Mr. Cooper's class back at King. I spent a lotta time melting things, but occasionally we actually put some computers together and made them work. He went on to help Mrs. Lampo with computer stuff all over King, and I just went home and continued melting stuff. Mrs. Lampo would be proud ;)